Jesse Coomer is one of the foremost voices in the world of Breathwork today. He is a Human Performance Specialist, Breathworker, and renowned speaker in the field of Breathwork.
Jesse has 10 years of experience in mastering several leading Breathwork techniques, is a certified personal trainer, and has become a leading author on the subjects of breathwork and cold exposure training.
What will be covered in the workshop?
Functional breathing (and exercises to train optimal breathing)
Understanding when to breath through the nose vs. mouth (and exercises to train these to become automatic)
CO2 tolerance training for enhanced focus and endurance (with exercises to increase this over time)
ANS protocols to reduce pre-match anxiety, improve sleep, and speed recovery
Deep breath exercises (similar to WHM breathing but with enhancements)
How to use breathing to find one’s calm in the ice bath (AKA how to use your breath to feel comfortable in the midst of discomfort)
Limited spots available
Register Today with our friends at Renegade Strength and Performance.